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Virtual Summit

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August 23rd-24th 2024

Join us on the innovative gamified virtual platform...

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Neurodiversity Unleashed

The Neuroverse Virtual Summit, brough to you by Haystack, is all about showcasing and supporting the neuro-spicy community! 

The event is designed and hosted by neurodivergent community members and The Neuroverse charitable organization.

We will be celebrating the history, contribution, and potential of neurodiversity, including creating actionable solutions and offering support and resources for neuro-spicy individuals.

We are also joining the United Nation's efforts to promote sustainability and universal design by initiating and supporting relating projects.

All are welcome to this 24 hour per day event and admission will be free!

This event is about growing not only as a society, but as human beings. 

Join us in unleashing the power of neurodiversity!

This event is being held by the neuro-spicy, for the neuro-spicy.

It is all about showing the world what we can do and teaching them what we need to do it best.

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Sponsored By

Bringing hiring into the world of gaming and neuro-inclusion to recruiting

All are welcome here.
Come, unmask, and let loose!

Cosmic Sky

Our Why

Neurodiversity is long misunderstood, and our community often feels isolated, but the truth is that we are almost 30% of the population. We are not alone, and it is time that society be designed for us too.

Neuroverse Virtual Summit is all about bringing people together, showcasing our capabilities and contribution, and designing a better tomorrow.

What People Are Saying

What To Expect

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For Businesses and Individuals

Science and History Booth

Learn all about neurodiversity!

Employment and Education

Assistance and Opportunities

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Virtual Art Gallery

ND Artists of all types

Accommodations and Toys

To promote self-care


Authors, Groups, and Activities


Meet the creatures of the Neuroverse!

We are celebrating and unleashing neurodiversity! (1).png

Join Us!!


and Workshops

Sign up for as many workshops and talks as you like and you will be sent the login link 48 hours ahead of time via email. 

Friday, August 23rd, 9:30am EST

Future Proof Your Organization and Thrive in the Face of Change

with Lisa Colledge

This interactive one-hour workshop is perfect for leaders, HR, and anyone interested in people operations and sustainability. 

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 9:30am EST

Neurodivergent Burnout, First Steps (To Healing)

with Paula Liub

This practical workshop will take you through understanding burnout and beginning to set yourself up to conquer it.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 11:00am EST

Thriving With Acquired Neurodiversity

With Dawn Westmoreland

Not all neurodiversity is inherent. Sometimes, you acquire it. How do you handle such a major change? Join Dawn to learn more. 

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 11:00am EST

Navigating The Job Market: A Job Search Workshop

With Angela Buccellato of Resume Rescue

Are you going crazy trying to figure out resumes and navigating this insane job market? Angela will hook you up!

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 11:30am EST

Main-lining Neurodiversity For Kids

With Marc Katz

When neurodiversity is an afterthought, so are the humans who have it. This talk will shed light on how to mainline neurodiversity.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 12:00pm EST

Leveraging Neurodiversity For Success At Work

With Myles Wallace

How can you highlight your unique attributes that will land you the job and then how do you use those attributes to thrive? Ask Myles!

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 12:00pm EST

Hack Your Brain, Change Your Life

With Lisa Duke

This is more than just mindset, this is mind mastery! Why? Because your brain is not the boss, you are!

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Friday, August 23rd, 1:00pm EST

Raising Neurodiversity, A Father's Perspective

With Dan Roth

Raising neurospicy kids can be an adventure in wonderland to say the least. Join this ND dad in learning to thrive as a ND parent. 

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 1:00pm EST

Neurospicy Sex and Relationships

With Jessica Renard

Not all neurodiversity is inherent. Sometimes, you acquire it. How do you handle such a major change? Join Dawn to learn more. 

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 2:00pm EST

ND Strategic Planning 101

With Eryn Anitavi

Do you struggle with strategic planning? Well, never fear! Eryn is here! She will get you up and thriving in no time.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 3:00pm EST

Regulating The Ego Defense Mechanism To Respond In Curiosity

With Katherine McCord

Everyone has a built-in fight or flight biological ego mechanism that causes problems. Learn to master it to grow and increase wellness.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 4:00pm EST

Why Neurodivergent Brains Changed The World

With Mark Fister

As the facilitator says, "the title speaks for itself". Let's talk about how neurodiversity has evolved society, a lesson in ND history.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 5:00pm EST

Disclosure and Boundaries

With Breyton Croom

Breyton lives out loud and proud to be a member of the neurospicy community. He will help you navigate disclosure and boundaries.

Sign Up

Friday, August 23rd, 6:30pm EST

Pokemon... Tarot Cards!? Let's Have Some Fun!

With Stacy Casson

You are sure to have fun and feel inspired in this fun, art-inspired session with Artist and Creative Coach, Stacy Casson!

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 9:00am EST

Neurodiversity: The Origin Of Innovation

With Nina Modi

Neurodiversity has driven the world forward. Join Nina is exploring this rich history and learning the why behind it. 

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 10:00am EST

Get Your Life Together! ND Executive Function

With Jessica Norris

If you struggle with the day to day or if you have a team member or partner who does, then this is the interactive talk for you!

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 12:00pm EST

Navigating Love And Neurodiversity: A Story Of Mother And Son

With Alex Vega

A son shares his journey with neurodiversity and his mother.

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 2:00pm EST

Decoding Employment Assessments

With Shelley Tanner

Do assessments work? What are the pros and cons? How do we make them more neuro-inclusive? Join Shelley to learn it all!

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 2:30pm EST

Learning To Cope

With Madison Francis

Coping with complex emotions, life, and a world not designed for you can be tough, but this talk will set you up for success.

Sign Up

Saturday, August 24th, 7:00pm EST

Neurodivergent Home Organization

With Narelle King

Are you having trouble keeping your home organized? Narelle is here to help! Join us for this terrific talk. 

Sign Up

Featured Organizations

Contact Us For A Complete Vendor List

Check Out Some Of Our Facilitator's Work

Virtual Team Meeting


Book A Custom Virtual Booth and Interact with Attendees!


Basic Booth - $25

Want to participate, but don't have the manpower to cover a virtual booth?

Try one of our custom 'stand still" booths!

Attendees can interact with your custom content and learn more about you just by walking up to your un-manned booth. 


Interactive Booth & Speaker - $200

Are you looking to add a little more value to the event?

You can have a fully interactive booth or workshop and hop onto our main stage as a presenter to share your wisdom!

Speaking spots are up to 60 minutes long and can be recorded. 


Interactive Booth - $50

Do you want to engage with attendees and provide additional insights into your work?


We can customize your interactive booth with your artwork and then two to three of your team members can engage vistors throughout the event.


Area Sponsor & Speaker - $250

Are you looking for a flashy presence at the event?

We have a fun option for you!

Host one of our virtual private rooms and really showcase your brand and message as visitors mingle in your space and speak on our main stage! 

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